Motherwell Duggan
I have included this page on Motherwell Duggan in the hopes that I will connect with someone "out there" who can confirm whether or not he is part of my Duggan family tree.
Here's some background on why I feel there might be a connection. My great great grandfather Hamilton Duggan was born in Letterkenny in 1814. The only other Duggan that I have been able to find, over the past three years, in Letterkenny is Motherwell Duggan born in 1820.
My research has shown that the spelling of our last name "Duggan" would have been more common, at that time, in Southern Ireland. The spelling "Doogan" was more common in Nothern Ireland, where Letterkenny is. So being that I found two "Duggans" born around the same time, in the same town, leads me to believe they could be brothers.
Using the England Census for 1861, 1871, 1881, as well as birth, marriage and death records, I was able to track Motherwell Duggan. He married Elizabeth Jane Swan in Donegal, Ireland prior to 1849. Their first son, James was born in 1849 in Ireland. Followed by, George in 1851 in Nottinghamshire, England. Then Jane 1853, Motherwell Jr. 1855, Margaret (Minnie) 1859, Elizabeth Jane 1860 and Lily 1861 all were born in England.
The 1861, 1871 and 1881 census shows Motherwell and family living in England, mostly in the Durham, UK area. He started as a Deacon and continued in this profession ending as the Vicar of Cornforth.
Hope this enough to catch somebody's attention!